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Cyber security awareness training - 2024

Cyber security awareness training that isn't boring - but jaw dropping, eye opening, powerful, and totally engaging - from activIT systems

Let's face it - cybercrime is on the rise around the world. Good people are getting busier earning an honest living in a difficult time, while the hackers are getting smarter, more successful, and with more resources at their disposal. Make your business too hard to hack, so the bad guys move onto someone else.

With the biggest area of cyber risk within an organisation being its people, smart businesses are turning to cyber awareness education to help mitigate the risk - it's also the easiest, fastest, most leveraged, and most successful method to improve the cybersecurity position within a business. Give us your staff for 90 minutes and we'll start them on the way to being HUMAN FIREWALLS.

Updated for 2024, the new workshops build on five years of teaching this topic - and dissect how the hackers manipulate the human psyche and tailor attacks to certain roles or team members within an organisation, how supply chain & third party compromise is one of the main threats at the moment, and how you give away your personal information without you even knowing it.

Our training workshops are in an engaging and fun discussion format with questions and answers throughout. Attendees jaws will drop and eyes remain wide open when they learn about the audacity the hackers have and realize they themselves have had a few too many close calls. We usually stick to script but will happily veer off into pertinent questions from attendees.

Attendees receive a certificate of completion following the workshop, cyber awareness collateral to print out and display at the office, and the loving admiration of their colleagues for being so awesomely prepared.

The workshop runs for 75 to 90 minutes, and includes:

  • Six minutes of quick theory on WHY cyber crime is so rampant and the devastating effect it has. [relax, the boring part is now over..]
  • Two real world case studies in under 5 minutes
  • Some technical elements - business email compromise, credential harvesting, supply chain and trusted third party compromise,
  • Top five cyber threats facing every person in the room - details, decisions, disaster!
  • Practical password masterclass, critical thinking, listening to your instinct, and many other tools
  • What to do if you feel something is not right
  • I just social engineered you.

Attendee testimonial

"Cyber security is becoming increasingly threatening to businesses and it’s important to increase our own knowledge to better protect ourselves and our business against that threat.

I highly recommend this workshop to every business owner and their staff, in order to keep intellectual property, email, electronic data and private information safe and secure.”

- Suzzanne Laidlaw, Business & Executive Coach (

About Steve

The workshops are delivered by our Managing Director, Steve Edwards. Over the last three years he's educated thousands of people on how to be more cyber aware, apply critical thinking to situations, and how to listen to your instinct. His delivery style is relaxed, humourous, and engaging; people often leave with a smile on their face but some mild paranoia as well. Mission accomplished.

Steve has just shy of 20 years experience providing IT consultation and service to small, medium, and ASX publicly listed companies around Australia. He has many stories to share about bad IT & cyber security along with why they happened - mostly because people have the best intentions but are are just unaware of what they're doing. He's on a mission to change that and increase the cyber security awareness of every day people working every day jobs.

About activIT systems

activIT is a managed service provider based in Perth, Western Australia, servicing clients nationwide. Along with every day business-as-usual IT consulting and service, we have developed a high level cyber security division that focuses on prevention, education, and continual improvement of an organisations cybersecurity posture.

Find out more about us at and our cyber security services at

COST: $77