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Governance Bytes Workshop Series 2024 - 2025

The Zoom link will be emailed once registration is complete. Please email for any registration queries

Welcome to our Not-For-Profit Governance Bytes Workshop series for 2024/2025

The mission of LEAD is to build the capacity of our sector through leadership development, and strengthening not-for-profit Boards and Committees is an important part of the strategy. 

Training is for existing or prospective boards of not for profit and community organisations.

These workshops can be taken as standalone ‘Bytes’ or you can register for the whole series. You will attain the following skills:

  • Gain a good understanding of what effective governance looks like and how to develop it in your boards
  • Develop clarity about governance processes and the boards relationships with the staff and volunteers in your organisation
  • Be upd to date on your legal obligations both individually and collectively
  • Grow your ability to think and act strategically as leaders within the organisation and gather practical tools and tips to streamline meetings, events and Board processes
  • Meet others who are serving on boards all around Aotearoa

On these virtual, live workshops with LEAD NFP governance experts you will learn with and from others on boards, ask relevant questions and apply what you are learning in the real world of your not for profit organisation.

Participants receive a certificate on completion of at least six sessions in the series. Book a single session for $69 +GST, or sign up for six or more and receive a 10% discount. *****Our session on May 15 is Complimentary****

If finance is a barrier please contact us as we have some scholarship funding available. 

Enrolled participants may substitute another member of their organisation if they can’t attend. Contact us for costs if multiple people from your organisation want to enrol.

GOVERNANCE BYTES WORKSHOP SERIES - DETAILS: (Held on the 1st Wed of every month. May 15 Complimentary session is in addition)

Governance Bytes #1: Governing for Good: Essentials for Not-For-Profit Boards
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday April 3

Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman
You will learn about: 

  • What does not for profit governance look like in the real world
  • What other training won’t tell you on how boards really add value
  • Why searching for who does what can lead you astray

Governance Bytes #2: Making the most of Board Meetings: Meetings that Matter
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday May 1

Facilitator: Aly McNicoll
You will learn about:

  • Making the most of Board meetings
  • Agendas that drive results
  • Fast tracking decision making - better meeting process
  • Making the most of the intelligence around the table

Governance Bytes #3: Cheering on the Chairs ****COMPLIMENTARY SESSION****
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday May 15

Facilitator: Sandy Thompson

You will learn about:

  • Tools, tips and tactics for NFP Board Chairs
  • Chair’s primer - the role of the Chair
  • Board leadership– a framework for making a difference 
  • Processes for building board engagement

Governance Bytes #4: Keeping it Legal for Boards - Compliance without the Angst
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday June 5 2024

Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman

You will learn about: 

  • Your legal structures and keeping it legal
  • Compliance requirements and obligations of individuals and Boards 
  • Managing conflicts of interest

Governance Bytes #5: Strategic Leadership for Boards in the Real World
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday July 3 2024

Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman

You will learn about: 

  • Creating and staying focused on strategy
  • Strategy vs planning
  • Strategic Thinking & Strategic Questions

Governance Bytes #6: Recruiting the Governance Team - Beyond Bums on Seats
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday August 7 2024

Facilitator: Sandy Thompson

You will learn about: 

  • Getting the right people on board 
  • Board recruitment and orientation 
  • Board development - training and evaluation

Governance Bytes #7: Diversity in Action on Boards: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Governance. When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday September 4 2024 Facilitator: Sandy Thompson
You will learn about: 

  • Good governance through fostering multiple worldviews and experiences
  • Community engagement & diversity
  • Creating the right environment for board members to be included

Governance Bytes #8: Good to Great Boards - Cultivating the Right Culture
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, October 2 2024

Facilitator: Sandy Thompson

You will learn about: 

  • Board Dynamics
  • Boards working as teams
  • Building the right culture

Governance Bytes #9: Governance led Policies - Beyond the Paperwork
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday November 6 2024

Facilitator: Garth Nowland-Foreman You will learn about: 

  • Why have them?
  • What should they contain?
  • How should they be developed?
  • Policies vs procedures vs plans


Governance Bytes #10: Board as Employers: Supporting, Developing and Appraising the Manager
When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday February 5, 2025

Facilitator: Aly McNicoll

You will learn about: 

  • The Leadership equation - the Board-Manager relationship
  • Being a good employer - managing the manager
  • Performance reviews and accountability conversations.

Governance Bytes #11: Dealing with Board Dynamics: Managing Difficult Personalities

When: 6:15pm-7:45pm, Wednesday March 5 2025

Facilitator: Aly McNicoll
You will learn about: 

  • Civility respect and regard the three non-negotiables
  • Types of board personalities
  • Recognising and managing difficult behaviours
  • How to exit a problem board member

LEAD’s team of experts will run the workshops and will email you with a Zoom link and workshop resource prior to the workshop. 


FREE – $683 NZD + GST