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Finding Balance in Business: Health and Wellbeing with Technology

Finding Balance in Business: Health and Wellbeing with Technology

So often in business, our physical and mental health and wellbeing are overlooked, and the chances of us “burning out” increase dramatically. This can be further amplified by our current global health crisis circumstances.

Using technologies – hardware, software, wearables – Polar, Strava, Calm, Headspace – meditation apps, diet/nutrition apps and the health tracking features of our smartphones can help us achieve -

  1. Healthier mind
  2. Healthier body
  3. Increase our productivity
  4. Reduce our chances of burning out
  5. Be happier!
  6. Do something for ourselves each day
  7. Increase our creativity

Technology can help us on this path and improve our productivity at work. Also, learn about taking time away from technology and how that can benefit you too. Don't miss out on this session.

The event is designed to introduce you to technologies that enable them to achieve a better work-life balance.

This is the second session in our Regional Rising LIVE series, focusing on being organised, looking after our wellbeing, and finding some stability in the current challenging work-life environment.