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AI and The Age of Humans - a Paradox?

Online Panel Discussion for k-12 Educators

"The Garden of Eden is no more. We have changed the world so much that scientists say we are now in a new geological age - The Anthropocene - The Age of Humans." 

~ Sir David Attenborough | Broadcaster and Naturalist


Prominent Australian educator Adriano Di Prato published a profound response to this statement by Sir David Attenborough. 

In a world brimming with technology, where AI advancements have become part of our daily lives, it’s crucial that we pause and reflect on our priorities. As we welcome Generation Alpha, the newest cohort of learners born between 2010 and 2025 (McCrindle 2020), we must strive to equip them with the tools necessary to thrive in a future that demands a regenerative and human-centred learning ecosystem. We find ourselves in the Age of Human, where the elevation of our innate knowledge, skills, and attributes becomes paramount for progress.

Adriano Di Prato on The Age of Humans

The Challenge

How ironic it is that the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence may just be the technology that reminds us of our need to value that which makes us human. 

As educators, we must ask what we need to be teaching and doing to assist our students as they navigate a world different to our own. 

We Teach Well is excited that Adriano has agreed to lead a panel of seasoned educators as they discuss what is needed moving forward, the future of AI and what that means for education.

Our panel


Read both the response and ther original before of after the panel. 

The Age of Humans article by Adriano Di Prato, Permission is Triumph 

‘The Garden of Eden is no more’ speech by Sir David Attenborough was presented at the 25th Crystal Awards at Davos, World Economic Forum (WEF) 21 January 2019.


We Teach Well is a proud DIF Victoria Event Partner and this panel is presented as part of the DIF2023 Festival as a feature of the Education and Research program. We Teach Well have been a be part of the Digital Innovation Futures initiative since 2019 and we invite you to catch up on our DIF On Demand sessions and keep learning!