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Of Bytes & Men / EdTech & English

Workshop for English teachers

Of Bytes & Men: Incorporating EdTech for Engaging English Classroom Teaching and Learning.

The past few years have seen an astronomical increase in available technology for virtual learning, both good and bad.

Some would have us believe that means teachers need to become tech big shots who can use the latest and the greatest edtech. But really that is not the case. Much can be achieved using tools that teachers are probably already aware of.  But constant upgrading and iterations let us use those tools more efficiently, and more quickly. 

Teachers already understand the pedagogy that relates to their subject area, and they are already good at designing face to face learning.

The purpose of this workshop is to show how that knowledge can be applied to design and generate digital resources that engage students in their learning. How you can  incorporate a range of digital technologies to meet the diverse needs of your learners.  

To prove how simple it is to use them, Mark is going to have Carolyn create some things on the spot. With step by step instructions. And as the session will be recorded and on demand after the festival, you will be able to go back and rewatch it when needed. 

This could be amusing, not for Carolyn, but for the audience.


You can sign up for a free or H5P  account prior to the event. Then you can follow along. 


Mark Parry  Parryville Media

Mark Parry is an award-winning instructional designer, teacher and digital content producer with over 30 years of experience in teaching, curriculum development, digital media production, and teacher professional development. Mark has worked across various educational sectors including schools K-12, vocational, higher education, corporate and community education.

Carolyn Newall Co-Founder & CEO, We Teach Well

Carolyn is a specialist English and literature teacher in the K-12 sector. She has experience in Australia and internationally and is comitted to getting the voice of K-12 teachers heard in any discussion about technology. She is also comitted to anything that will lighten the workload of K-12 teachers.

And it is entirely probable that she will regret agreeing to be the guinea pig for this session. 

We Teach Well is a proud DIF Victoria Event Partner and this panel is presented as part of the DIF2023 Festival as a feature of the Education and Research program. 

We Teach Well have been a be part of the Digital Innovation Futures initiative since 2019 and we invite you to catch up on our DIF On Demand sessions and keep learning!