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Teachers & AI in K-12 Schools: Action Research Project

Action research project launch

Are you a K-12 educator? Using AI in your work as a teacher?

Join us for the launch of this exciting action research project 

AI became a really hot topic when iterative improvements and the specific variant called ChatGPT garnered mass adoption late in 2022 and early 2023.

What has become obvious is that, like Pandora’s Box, now that it is out there, widespread access to AI is not going away. We can’t go back. And the speed that AI is proliferating can make your head spin. There are a vast number of other AI products on the market now. Mid Journey, Perplexity and Lensa are only a few. And Google Bard is gaining traction.

AI, what it can and can’t do has monopolised education discussions in 2023. Both in tertiary and K-12. Whether it is wonderful or a quick trip to the dark side depends on your point of view. 

Many education departments and schools have chosen to ban the use of AI by students. The main reason for this is valid, if annoying to some. We don’t know exactly how it works, we don’t know what it can be used for.

Often we forget that K-12 schools are legally responsible for the physical, emotional and mental safety of the children in their care.


But what we can't do is wait till an academic somewhere spends 3 or more years doing research and publishing their findings. We need the knowledge quicker, and we need it to be from the perspective of classroom teachers and other educators in the K-12 field. 

We Teach Well is proposing an action research project that will involve a number of teachers and educators using AI in their work. Over the following 12 months we will hold open sessions online each month to gather and share data. Participants will be able to contact each other to discuss findings or ask for help and suggestions. 

The project will launch during the DIF2023 Festival in Victoria and the findings will be published at the DIF2024 Festival.  

Who This is For

  • Teachers who are already using AI and want to explore it further and/or share their learnings with colleagues.

  • Teachers who are unsure of the technology but would appreciate a safe and supportive space to explore the possibilities of AI and how it could assist their teaching and learning.

  • School leaders who are concerned about the unknown aspects of the technology and want more information before having students use it in their school.

  • School leaders who are keen to discover professional development options for their staff.

In this launch session we will hear from K-12 classroom teachers who are using AI in their work already and some introducing AI units in their classrooms.

Project details and the sign up forms can be accessed here

We Teach Well is a proud DIF Victoria Event Partner and this panel is presented as part of the DIF2023 Festival as a feature of the Education and Research program. We Teach Well have been a be part of the Digital Innovation Futures initiative since 2019 and we invite you to catch up on our DIF On Demand sessions and keep learning!